Earthquake mb 5.1 in Slovenia July 12th, 2004
On 12 July 2004 at 13:04 UTC a moderate ( M 4.9) earthquake shook Slovenia and surrounding countries. The epicentre of the event was in NW Slovenia, in Soca valley, close to the epicentre of the strong event in 1998 (M 5.6). According to the first field survey, the localities with the most damage are small town Bovec and village Cezsoca, both in the valley of the river Soca. Significant number of broken chimneys and many cracks on houses implicate the very preliminary estimate of maximum intensity as VI-VII EMS.
No collapses or partial collapses of walls and houses were reported. More than 1100 houses were damaged, 175 of them are considered to be temporarily unsafe for the inhabitants. One person was killed in the rockslide triggered by the earthquake, and several were injured.
The earthquake was felt in whole Slovenia, then in Zagreb, Croatia, in southern parts of Austria (as far as Vienna), and in Italy (up to Venice and Bologna).
Ina Cecic
Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo
Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje
Urad za seizmologijo
Dunajska 47/VI
SI-1000 LJUBLJANA, Slovenija
Email: [email protected]